What to eat to recover well after sport?

Relaxation, relaxation, harmonious silhouette... the benefits of sport on the physical and mental are no longer in doubt. However, playing sports is not without consequences on the body: pain in the legs, arms, neck tension, etc. Also, to help the body replenish its energy reserves and eliminate toxic substances produced during exercise. at the origin of muscle pain, it is essential to recover well, in particular by adopting a adapted diet and good reflexes.

The importance of recovery after sport

Whether you are a high-level athlete or an amateur, cooling down is, like warming up, an important step in sports practice. And this for many reasons. Recovery allows, among other things:

  • Limit muscle aches and pains.
  • Prevent fatigue, exhaustion and injuries
  • Promote the resumption of training and competitions
  • Optimize progress

Without good recovery, the adrenal glands are exhausted, and the results are: weight gain, reduced performance, difficulty falling asleep, general fatigue...

Recovery through nutrition: the foods to favor

It's no secret that to recover well after sport, it is essential to eat well, not only immediately after exercise, but also on a daily basis. But what foods should you include in your recovery program?

The body's nutritional needs after exercise

By playing sports, your body draws on its carbohydrate reserves. In fact, you must replenish your stocks with foods rich in glucose and fructose to promote both the resynthesis of muscle glycogen and the reconstitution of hepatic glycogen. Consumed at the start of the recovery phase, these foods help optimize protein synthesis.

Protein is also essential during the recovery phase, as it is what promotes muscle building. In other words, they allow oxygen to circulate in the blood, thus promoting muscle work. Depending on the duration and intensity of the sport, you need an intake of approximately 10 g to 30 g. Protein consumption should be done immediately after sport in order to optimize the metabolic window. Recovery drink and bar are excellent alternatives if you cannot eat properly within 30 minutes of exercise.

Furthermore, during exercise, the intestine becomes fragile. It is therefore essential to adopt a diet rich in micronutrients (iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium).

Foods to include in nutrition

To replenish your carbohydrate reserves after sport, eat:

  • Fresh ripe fruits: bananas, peaches, apples, tart cherries... According to research, tart cherries help limit muscle pain after a race while promoting muscle recovery and delaying fatigue.
  • Dried fruits: dates, grapes, figs, apricots...
  • Oilseeds: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts
  • Vegetables: especially spinach which is also very rich in antioxidants and magnesium
  • Cereals: whole grains, buckwheat, oats, rice, tapioca...
  • Legumes: dried beans, lentils, etc.
  • Starchy foods: quinoa, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • Sweet foods (in small quantities): manuka honey (this is a powerful anti-inflammatory to eliminate inflammation after sport), maple syrup, agave syrup, jam.
  • Milk foods: soy, almond...

On the protein side, meats, fish (salmon, sardines, etc.), shellfish, dairy products (cottage cheese among others, because it contains two types of proteins: whey and casein) and eggs are excellent sources. However, after sport, it is better to avoid proteins of animal origin in order to avoid the stock of protein waste in the body. Prefer them before sport and focus on legumes, cereals and sprouted seeds which are interesting alternatives. You can also turn to food supplements rich in BCAA.

Finally, for micro-nutrients, wheat germ, nuts, lamb's lettuce... are excellent.

Bonus tips for recovering well after sport

Besides diet, there are other tips for recovering well after sport

  • Hydrate yourself sufficiently, first with small sips of alkalizing drinks or alkalized drinks, then with plain water. Little advice: if the urine is not yet clear in the evening, drink water before going to bed.
  • Have a hearty snack immediately after exercise: wholemeal bread spread with cottage cheese, fruit compote, handfuls of dried fruit, etc.
  • Do a short massage session to eliminate pain and muscle tension. THE Jolt Dot proves to be a particularly interesting tool for self-massage after sport since it is easy to use thanks to an ergonomic non-slip handle. In addition, it can be used before and after sports on all parts of the body. As soon as you apply the cryosphere ball, your sore and tired muscles are instantly relieved.
  • Do simple, moderate stretches before bed.
  • Sleep well and enough to optimize sports performance.