Why and how to warm up properly before a sports session?

Warming up is and should always be inseparable from physical activity. However, in a gym we can observe that some people neglect it. Why do we give so much importance to warming up? Is it really necessary? How towarm up properlybefore starting a sports session? The answers to these questions are here.

The importance of warming up

Warming up allows you to benefit from several advantages.

The risks of not warming up

You should know that at normal body temperature (36°C), the muscles and tendons are not prepared to exert significant effort. In some cases, this unpreparedness leads to pain and injury. The types of injuries that can occur due to lack of warming up are sprains, strains and muscle tears.

The effects of preparing your body for intense physical activity

The purpose of warming up is to raise the temperature of your body in order to increase the elasticity and flexibility of your muscles and tendons. Even more, blood circulation becomes better, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation increase. Well prepared, the body is ready to run faster, jump higher and lift heavier.

Among the advantages of a well-performed warm-up, we can also talk about mental preparation. This parameter is important especially before a competition where the stress level can skyrocket. The concentration gained also helps to better visualize the intensity of the efforts to be made. In short,warming up reduces the risk of injury and optimizes performance in general. Furthermore, this stage of preparation for sport promotes muscle recovery.

The two warm-up periods

It is possible to divide the warm-up into two periods: the general warm-up and the specific warm-up.

General warm-up

The general warm-up is suitable for any sporting activity. These include moderate intensity efforts accompanied by dynamic stretching and brief accelerations. If you wish, you can add a massage session beforehand. It is up to you to have it done by a professional or yourself using a massage gun or a massage roller. Note that the general warm-up is done gradually over around ten minutes.

Here are some examples of exercises to practice during this period:

  • Footing.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Rower.
  • Bike.

Specific warm-up

Complementing the general warm-up, the specific warm-up results in efforts and movements close to the activity to be performed. For example, a runner will mainly warm up his lower limbs while a CrossFit practitioner will prepare almost his entire body. When carrying out this exercise, pay particular attention to the joints. As for the duration of the specific warm-up, it is also 10 minutes.

Here are some examples to follow:

  • Squat in 10 repetitions.
  • Joint mobilization of the ankles, knees and hip.
  • Lunges in 10 repetitions.
  • Push-ups for 10 repetitions.
  • About twenty heels-buttocks.
  • Knee lifts.
  • Dynamic stretches for 5 to 10 seconds.

Preparing for physical exercises: how to go about it?

Now that you know the need for such preparation, always take the time to do it. Even if you have to shorten your training sessions. Regarding the duration, we generally announce 10 to 15 minutes.

However, this time may be longer depending on the intensity of the sport practiced, your age (over 30 years), if you suffer from joint pathologies and the surrounding temperature. In fact, it is possible that the warm-up lasts between 30 and 40 minutes. Furthermore, if the area where you are training is cold, remember to cover yourself appropriately. Clothing will help you retain accumulated heat. Only remove a layer when you're getting down to business (bodybuilding, basketball, CrossFit, football, etc.).

Signs of a good warm-up

To know if your body is warm enough, listen to it. In principle, you should feel that the heat in your body is higher. This increase in temperature should be felt more in the joints than in the skin.

An easier sign to detect is your heart rate. Generally speaking, it will increase (between 110 and 125 beats per minute). In any case, you feel the desire to do more, to get down to business.

On the other hand, if you feel pain, a stitch in your side or you are very out of breath, you have certainly pushed too hard. Keep in mind that an effective warm-up is done slowly, gently and gradually.

Good to know : the body temperature during a good warm-up rises between 38.5°C and 39°C.

Vary warm-ups and drink water

There are several ways to prepare your body for physical activity. Vary the pleasures so as not to get bored and above all to be able to extend your warm-up in cold weather. Finally, drink water in small sips. Hydration is as essential as warming up, or even more so when practicing a sport.