Comparison of massage guns: JOLT™ wins hands down in value for money

First of all, what is a massage gun , and what is it used for?

If you are reading this article, it is because you are probably already well informed on the subject, and you are starting to compare models without knowing which brand of massage gun to choose. You are certainly lost in the face of the many brands that have been flooding the market for some time. This is why we are going to enlighten you on the subject.

I. Which brand of massage gun should I choose?

There are 3 types of models on the market which we will classify by price range.



Reminder: Massage guns like Jolt™ send appropriate high-frequency vibrations to activate muscles, reduce knots between muscles and fascia, relieve fatigue, and prevent sports injuries. They help relax your sore or stiff muscles and help restore your mobility

Result, fewer injuries, less aches, less stiffness = optimization of your performance.


1. Pistols sold for around €100 (sometimes less)

If you buy a massage gun for €100 (or less), you will get a product that is not very powerful, to say the least, and which is not very high quality. For a person who wants to test this type of product out of curiosity, why not. For real results, it's better to pass. If the site offers delivery in 15 days or more, you can consider that it is a reseller who has probably never tested their product and who is selling their product directly from China. It must be understood that it is a health product, which aims to be complementary to devices used by health professionals such as physiotherapists, physiotherapists or even osteopaths. These products must be tested and validated by professionals, which is not the case when they are sold by resellers who have not seen, touched, or used a massage gun.

2. Mid-range Jolt™ type pistols

Jolt™ is a mid-range massage gun , it is good value for money, robust and powerful product. This is a gun that has already been improved twice (more massage heads, more speed). It is close to what the 2 leading brands offer in terms of characteristics. As a mid-range, the price is much more affordable than premium brands. When purchasing a Jolt™ massage gun , you will pay for the product for its features (see product features here), less for the branding and marketing around the product. In terms of results, the product is regularly tested by health professionals who approve the benefits of our massage gun .


caractéristiques Jolt

3. Premium models. 

Their devices are very high quality, their design is specific to their brand, and the expected results are there. These are Premium massage guns, sold from €349. They are particularly suitable for people who are already fans of vibration therapy and who wish to equip themselves with an even more premium model.



II. Who are massage guns for?

1. To everyone who wants to feel better

Ultimately, massage guns are for everyone, not necessarily just athletes. If you work in an office and spend your days in front of a computer, you may experience neck pain, or even neck pain. Vibration massage technology will relieve you and reduce these tensions. massage guns will become a common massage device used by everyone, due to their ease of use and their compactness which allows everyone to have one at home.

2. To all athletes, whatever their discipline

On the sports side, everyone is concerned by massage guns, whatever the discipline, and especially whatever the level, whether you are a beginner or a professional. It is increasingly common to see high-level athletes using these massage guns in different sports: Joshua (boxing), Mat Fraser (crossfit), Gael Fickou (rugby), Cristiano Ronaldo ( football), Kilian Jornet (Ultra Trail). We could also cite tennis, swimming, handball, basketball, or all combat sports, without forgetting all indoor sports.



We hope that this article will help you see things more clearly and choose the best model according to your objectives and requirements. We have a Chat on the site which will allow you to chat directly with a member of our team, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.